Ada berita apa hari ini, Den Sastro? Siapa Bertanya?Ada kursi
goyang dan koran pagi, di samping kopi. Huruf, seperti biasa
nya, bertebaran di halaman-halaman di bawah matamu, kau
kumpulkan dengan sabar, kausulap menjadi berita. Dingin pagi
memungut berita demi berita menyebarkannya di ruang duduk
rumahmu dan meluap sampai ke jalan raya. Ada berita apa hari
ini, Den Sastro? Kau masih bergoyang di kursimu ntar tidur
dan jaga, antara cerita yang menyelusuri lorong-lorong otakmu dan
berita yang kaukumpulkan dari huruf-huruf yang berserakan itu.
Sudah sejak lama cahaya pagi yang kaki-kakinya telanjang tidak
pernah lagi menyapamu Selamat Pagi; ia hanya berjalan -jalan di
depan rumahmu, tak dipahaminya timbunan huruf itu. Kausak-
sikan ia mengangguk kepada setiap orang yang lewat di muka
jendelamu Aneh, jendela bisa memandang ke dalam dan keluar
sekaligus. Kau tak pernah bisa memandang ke ke dalam dan
hanya bisa melihat huruf-huruf yang susul menyusul di koran
pagi, yang harus kaubujuk terlebih dahulu agar menjadi berita.
Ada berita apa hari ini, Den sastro? Suara itu sejak lama tidak
lagi terasa mengganggu, tidak lagi menimbang-nimbang apalagi yang
seharusnya terjadi, tidak lagi meragukan apa yang telah menjadi
berita, tidak lagi memaksamu kembali ke masa ketika kau suka
mendengar gemerincing uang logam dan seberkas kunci nenekmu.
Puisi itu adalah bagian pertama dari sembilan bagian puisinya yang berjudul “Ada Berita Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro?” Puisi yang berstruktur mirip prosa ini termasuk dalam kumpulan puisi terbarunya yang juga berjudul sama dengan puisi di atas; “Ada Berita Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro?”
Dalam puisi itu, Sapardi memaparkan kehidupan seorang pria bernama Den Sastro yang dulunya adalah seorang wartawan, seorang “penyulap huruf menjadi berita” yang usianya makin menua. Ia tak bisa lagi menulis berita kecuali menghabiskan hari dengan duduk di kursi goyang, menikmati kopi, serta koran pagi. Meski demikian, Sapardi memberitahu kita bahwa Den Sastro adalah seorang idealis, atau tepatnya seorang yang berprinsip teguh. Ia tak mau menulis bukan karena sudah tak mampu, melainkan karena ia tak suka menulis menurut kehendak penguasa.
Sikap Den Sastro ini jelas menjadi kritik terbuka bagi insan pers Indonesia. Kritik dari Sapardi terhadap sebagian insan pers Indonesia yang memilih menghamba pada Penguasa, bukan pada kebenaran. Di puisi bagian pertama, keempat, keenam, serta ketujuh tampak jelas kritikan Sapardi dengan menggambarkan betapa tulisan seorang Den Sastro harus terbungkam karena adanya tangan-tangan penguasa.
Padahal, ia sebenarnya bukan orang yang suka menerka-nerka huruf-huruf menjadi berita. Dan itu, menyebabkan hati dan idealismenya sebagai penulis seolah-olah mati. Ia menyebutkan “tidak lagi menimbang-nimbang apalagi yang seharusnya terjadi, tidak lagi meragukan apa yang seharusnya menjadi berita, tidak lagi memaksamu kembali ke masa ketika kau suka mendengar gerincing uang logam…” dalam puisi bagian pertama (Sapardi Djoko Damono: 2002:1) serta ”Ada berita apa hari ini, Den Sastro? Sudah berserakan lagi huruf-huruf yang bersikeras tidak mau kembali ke suara itu, yang tidak mau menyatu dengan teriakan ,gurauan, dan percakapan itu.”dalam puisi bagian ketujuh (Sapardi Djoko Damono, 2002:7)
Karena itulah, Den Sastro lebih memilih mengisi hidupnya di dalam rumah, di kursi goyangnya, ditemani secangkir kopi, dan memandang orang-orang lalu lalang dari jendela dalam rumahnya.
Sapardi Djoko Damono adalah seorang sastrawan kelahiran 20 Maret , 64 tahun silam. Sastrawan kelahiran Solo ini telah menulis puisi sejak masa SMA. Ketika menempuh studi di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, ia aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan seni seperti baca puisi, diskusi sastra, siaran sastra di RRI Yogyakarta dan Surakarta, bermain dan menyutradarai teater, serta bermain musik.
Publikasi karya-karyanya diawali di Tabloid Pos Minggu pada tahun 1957. Berikutnya sajak-sajaknya muncul di berbagai majalah seperti Merdeka (Jakarta), Mimbar Indonesia (Jakarta), Konfrontasi (Jakarta), Budaja (Yogyakarta), Basis (Yogyakarta), Budaya Jaya (Jakarta), Gelora (Surabaya), Horison (Jakarta). Sampai saat ini ia telah menerbitkan sejumlah buku puisi, cerita pendek, kumpulan esai, dan buku pegangan penelitian.
Sapardi Djoko Damono tergolong sastrawan angkatan ’66. Ia lulus dari Fakultas Sastra Universitas Gajah Mada tahun 1964. Setelah lulus ia langsung mengajar di IKIP Malang cabang Madiun selama empat tahun (1964-1968). Pada tahun 1968 ia menerbitkan karyanya yang pertama berupa kumpulan sajak berjudul DukaMu Abadi.
Sebelum itu, ia telah banyak menghasilkan karya puisi yang dimuat di berbagai media. Misalnya pada tahun 1958, semasa ia menjadi mahasiswa, puisinya yang berjudul “Tjerita Burung Merdeka” (No. 11, April 1958) dan “Tamu Malam Natal” telah dimuat di Mimbar Indonesia (No. 13, 24 Desember 1959). Selain itu, ia juga telah menghasilkan 21 buah puisi yang dimuat di majalah-majalah kenamaan lainnya seperti Konfrontasi, Merdeka, dan Widjaja.
Puncaknya, pada tahun 1963, ia menulis puisi balada berjudul “Ballada Matinya seorang Pemberontak.” Puisi inilah yang melambungkan namanya setelah memenangkan hadiah Pertama Majalah Basis.
Setelah berhenti mengajar di IKIP Malang cabang Madiun, ia mengajar di Fakultas Sastra Universitas Diponegoro (1968-1974), ia sempat memperdalam pengetahuan kesusastraannya dengan mengikuti Non-degree program di Universitas Hawaii, Honolulu, AS (1970-1971). Ia pindah mengajar di Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia sejak tahun 1975, sampai saat ini. Di sana, ia sempat menduduki posisi puncak sebagai Dekan Fakultas Ilmu sastra tahun 1995-1999
Pada tahun 1989, ia menerima gelar Doktor ilmu sastra dari Universitas Indonesia. Kini ia menjadi Guru Besar di Fakultas Ilmu Sastra dan Kebudayaan di Universitas Indonesia. Ia juga menjadi dosen luar biasa di Program S2 Fakultas Sastra Universitas Diponegoro yang baru awal Maret 2003 lalu dibuka. Sebagai dosen luar biasa ia mengajar mata kuliah Sastra dunia serta Sosioliogi Sastra tahun ajaran lalu, sedang untuk tahun ajaran baru ini ia akan membimbing penulisan tesis mahasiswanya.
Sapardi merupakan tokoh sastra yang pertama kali secara nyata memperkenalkan teori kritik sosiologi sastra di Indonesia dengan menerbitkan buku berjudul Sosiologi Sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas (1977). Dalam buku itu ia mengemukakan hubungan antara sastra, sastrawan, dan masyarakat yang bersifat timbal balik yang menimbulkan pertanyaan utama dalam lingkup sosiologi sastra. Diantaranya pertanyaan itu adalah apakah latar belakang pengarang menentukan isi karyanya?, apakah dalam karya-karyanya si pengarang mewakili golongannya?, apakah karya sastra yang digemari masyarakat sudah dengan sendirinya bermutu tinggi, dan lain sebagainya.
Sebagai seorang sastrawan, perjalanan hidup Sapardi dipenuhi dengan karya sastra. Puisi-puisi karyanya biasanya penuh imaji yang menekankan pada makna kata-katanya. Kini, di usia senja sekalipun, ia masih giat menulis cerpen atau prosa yang dipublikasikan di berbagai media massa. Ia juga sering menulis kritik sastra, dan sering diminta menjadi juri lomba-lomba penulisan Karya sastra dan novel yang bersifat nasional.
Beberapa karyanya memperoleh penghargaan nasional maupun internasional. Kumpulan sajaknya setelah Duka-Mu Abadi pada tahun 1974 adalah Mata Pisau dan Akuarium. Kumpulan sajaknya yang lain, Perahu Kertas (1983), diterbitkan oleh Balai pustaka dan menerima hadiah Sastra Dewan Kesenian Jakarta tahun 1983. Pada tahun berikutnya, kumpulan sajak Sihir Hujan diterbitkan oleh Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur dan menerima Anugerah Puisi Putera dari Malaysia 1983. Penghargaan lainnya yaitu Hadiah Sastra ASEAN (1986), Hadiah Seni dari pemerintah RI (1990). Buku puisi Ada Berita Apa Hari Ini, Den Sastro? di atas termasuk dalam 5 karya terbaik Anugerah Sastra Khatulistiwa (Khatulistiwa Literary Award) 2002-2003.
Pada tahun 1986 sejumlah sajak dan esainya diterjemahkan di Jepang sebagai salah satu penerbitan sastra dunia. Yayasan Lontar pada 1988 menerbitkan Suddenly The Night yang merupakan terjemahan sejumlah karya Sapardi dalam bahasa Inggris yang dikerjakan oleh John H MacGlynn. Tak hanya bahasa Inggris, sajak-sajaknya juga diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Jepang, Belanda, Cina, Perancis, Urdu, Hindi, Jerman, dan Arab.
Sapardi juga menulis buku-buku nonfiksi yang diantaranya berjudul Novel Sastra Indonesia Sebelum Perang (1979) Kesusastraan Indonesia Modern: Beberapa Catatan (1982), Politik, Ideologi, dan Sastra Hibrida (1999); Sihir Rendra:Permainan Makna (1999); Direktori Lembaga-lembaga Kesenian Jakarta di Indonesia (1999), Priyayi Abangan (2000).
Ia juga banyak menerjemahkan karya sastra-karya sastra terbitan luar negri. Terjemahannya antara lain: Lelaki tua dan Laut (Novel Hemingway, 1973), Puisi Brazilia Modern (kumpulan sajak,1973), Daisy Manis (Novel Henry James,1975), Sepilihan Sajak george Seferis (kumpulan sajak,1975), Puisi Klasik Cina (kumpulan puisi, 1976), Lirik Klasik Parsi (kumpulan puisi,1977), Kisah-kisah Sufi (Karya Idries Shah, 1986), dan Afrika yang Resah (Karya Okot p’Bitek, 1988), drama trilogi o’Neill Mourning becomes Electra (Dukacita Bagi elektra); Drama puisi T.S Eliot Murder in the Cathedral (Pembunuhan di Katedral). Karya John Steinbeck yang berjudul The Grapes of Wrath ( Shakuntala, Amarah)-mendapat hadiah dari Yayasan Buku Utama sebagai terjemahan terbaik tahun 2000.
Tak cukup dengan itu, Sapardi juga menjadi editor beberapa buku yakni diantaranya: Tifa Budaya (bersama Kasijanto, 1981), Seni dalam Masyarakat Indonesia (bersama Edi Sedyowati, 1983), dan HB Jassin 70 tahun (1987).
Karyanya yang terakhir adalah Ada Berita Apa Hari ini, Den Sastro 2002 (puisi); Mata Jendela, 2001 (puisi); Pengarang Telah mati, 2001 (fiksi); Ayat-ayat Api, 2000 (puisi),.Yang terbaru darinya adalah Kumpulan Cerpen Membunuh Orang Gila (2003)., serta novel Duong thu huong , Novel Without Name (Novel Tanpa Nama), 2003.Saat ini sedang menerjemahkan novel Duong thu huong, Paradise of the Blind, yang akan diterbitkan oleh IndonesiaTera 2004 ini. Selain itu pula ia bersama beberapa rekannya di UI ia menerjemahkan karya Annemarie Schimmel Mystical Dimensions Of Islam (Dimensi Mistik dalam Islam) di samping membantu ali Audah menerjemahkan tafsir Quran Karya Yusuf Ali.
Tetapi selain menjadi sastrawan dan mengajar ia juga telah terlibat dalam keredaksian sejumlah majalah sastra dan kebudayaan semenjak masih mahasiswa, seperti Basis (1964-1970), Horison (1973-1993), Kalam (1993-sekarang), dan puisi (1998-sekarang); country editor untuk Tenggara, Jurnal of South-east Asian Literature, Kuala Lumpur (1976-1980) dan contributing editor untuk Indonesia circle; SOAS , University of London (1991-1995). Ia juga sering diundang dalam kegiatan kesastraan di beberapa negara di Amerika, Asia, Australia, dan Eropa.
Sastrawan Sapardi Djoko Darmono dinilai telah memberi sumbangan besar di bidang kesusastraan lewat karya dan pengabdiannya. Karena itu jangan heran jika pada tanggal 13 agustus 2003 lalu, Ia memperoleh Penghargaan Achmad Bakrie Award.***
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
dan terima kasih banyak kepada AKI atas nomor yang AKI
beri 4 angka [6686] alhamdulillah ternyata itu benar2 tembus .
dan alhamdulillah sekarang saya bisa melunasi semua utan2 saya yang
ada sama tetangga.dan juga BANK BRI dan bukan hanya itu KI. insya
allah saya akan coba untuk membuka usaha sendiri demi mencukupi
kebutuhan keluarga saya sehari-hari itu semua berkat bantuan AKI..
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insya allah anda bisa seperti saya…menang NOMOR 370 JUTA , wassalam.
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
Special DNN – BUSINESS NEWS Report For hayamwuruk!
The Ten million dollar pixel website does something NO other ONE million pixel web site can! – The’ll Give TWO million dollar away!!
Just recently we reported about The The site is a copycat of The Million Dollar Homepage by a 21-year-old British entrepreneur Alex Tew. The Ten million dollar is rapidly evolving into the fastest growing ‘pixel’ web site online. They now offer $2.000.000,00 to the largest advertiser on their site.
THE NETHERLANDS, October, 2005 – The takes pixel advertising several big steps further. As you can see on The site had more than 100,000.00 pageviews in 6 weeks being online!! We now have an Alexa page rank far into the 100.000 says Walter proud. He and Janwillem, two guys from The Netherlands are the owners of the site.
They want to live their dream and start an own (Internet) marketing, hosting and consultant business, using the proceedings of the site… They have without a doubt the most valuable name…
To boost the value of your TROPI (Traffic Return On Pixel Investment we learned) they organized a huge and unique promotion!
Asking about this special promotion, Janwillem says: As said before, we can do something no other million dollar website can do: We are giving away more than $2.000.000,00!!
We will give one of our advertisers $2.000.000,00 ( two million dollars) as soon as our site is filled for 50%! The best thing about it is: Nobody needs to participate in any kind of lottery to have a chance to become a millionaire.
We asked the guys from Holland who will get the money then and what they have to do for it;. It is simple, they replied. To win this $2.000.000,00, you’ll need to become the largest advertiser on our site and we’ll personally give you $2.000.000,00 (two million dollars). We will do so as soon as our site is filled for 50%!!
On top of this, we’ll choose five of our advertisers at random, no matter what size or time they are with us, and reward them each with $100.000,00! Also after the site is filled for 50%! So, in fact, we are giving away $2,500.000,00! Part of that could be yours. All you need to do is buy some pixels on our site!
Walter tells us that he knew their site would become a success and now he predicts this promotion will boost the site in the top five movers and shakers!!’ We are here to set records! And we will. This means great exposure for all of our advertisers! We have had people boosting their sales figures mainly by the visitors they get from us!
A great stunt like this will certainly attract oceans of curious and click happy people who will be visiting our site. Who would not want to get $2.000.000,00 in cash from the ten million dollar website? Just for being the largest advertiser on the only TEN million dollar website!
Both guys smile when they say: We’ll invite anyone to buy pixels and have a chance to change their lives!
Wow, Even if you would buy advertisement for $1.000.000,00 you’d still gain a full 100%
Remember! Your $100,00 pixel friends placed on our site could mean you gain at least $100.000,00!!!
We are no students, and we are not looking to pay for college. Yet, when the site is successful enough, we would love to pay and we will pay for people who never had college or even seen a school before in their lives. We have made plans when the site reaches a certain level of success, says Janwillem.
Find out more about Walter and Janwillem, and their will be a Dutch business which offers profit design, profit solutions, web hosting services, consultation services and they endeavor to use own design as well as open source software for client projects wherever possible in order to keep development costs down. We are working very hard to try and get this baby walking. The site will be a great help. We ask anyone to buy our pixels.
Be their largest advertiser and gain $2.000.000,00!
Because bigger is better.
Delivered by Superblogsubmitter – blogsubmitter pro – The New Blog Submitter
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